Sunday, September 18, 2011

" You can tell a good pub the way it fits around your shoulders"

The Golden Bee!

Where all the magic happens!
 Wow! This is one of the most fun, special bars/pubs I have ever been to. The bar is actually a restored English Pub of the 19th Century. It came to American in the early 1800's from London and was in business in the London Terrace section of New York City. It was dismantled to make way for an apartment complex and stored in a warehouse where it was discovered by W and J Sloane and company, a decorating firm commissioned by the Broadmoor in the late 1950's. It opened its doors to patrons of the Boradmoor in 1961.

The history is a very cool part of this place- but the atmosphere is what makes it so special. You have to get the "Bee" early if you want to partake in the fun. We as a family of 8- needed to get there super early so that we would have a seat. There is no standing room in this bar- if you don't have a seat- you wait in line until someone leaves. And trust me- you don't want to leave.

Us before the music!

John and his 1/2 Yard
 We arrived at 6:00 PM and slowly got drinks and dinner. The cuisine was English with pot pies and sandwiches. Not my favorite- but I found a cup of soup and salad to enjoy. I say slowly- because the fun didn't really begin until 8:30. That is when rag-time and sing-along piano is performed.

The piano
I really didn't know what to expect- and then it happened. A song list! Yay!
Love this song book- brought it home!

So, the pianist began and we all sang along together in the whole bar. We stayed there until 11:00 PM, requesting songs, belting out the ones we love, still singing the ones we didn't. I have never had more fun with so many people I didn't know. It was a total blast!

Linds and Kyle singing
John and I singing

 Forget the food, forget the beer- if the food was cold, and the beer was hot- this would still be one of my most favorite places and memories. Luckily- the beer was pretty cold. Problem was- I was having too much fun to take the temperature. Now, that is a sign of a great night!

"You can tell a good pub by the way it fits around your shoulders". That's how an Englishman explained the very special atmosphere that tells you instantly you've come to the right place...a blend of warmth and friendliness, of dark wood colors and sparkling glass, of foaming tankards and good talks. The Golden Bee at the Broadmoor was for sure this place.

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